New Connections
The Makery teams up with JK Automotive Designs and Faith Michaels of Kids Clothes Club and Faithful Flowers.
When Faith Michaels contacted us a couple of days ago with a need for help to support Jeremy get his new face shield design out to medical workers, we were all in. With our space (thanks to BTC), a protocol for sanitization, packaging, safe intake and delivery, an adaptable process, and a supportive community of volunteers, we knew we were ready to jump in and help. Jeremy’s design is smart and clean, fast to produce, fast to assemble, reusable, and most importantly, accepted in most hospitals and clinics in the area. Starting this week we will become the assembly and distribution hub for this effort, producing hundreds of masks per day and getting them quickly into the hands of medical workers all over the city. We are so excited to be part of this larger effort and to work with Faith and Jeremy to get this done.
You can read all about Jeremy and Faith in the news here.
Masks for Docs
We continue to work with the amazing Micah Nelson and Susan Kistler from Masks For Docs to both produce our own and aggregate shield components printed by makers from all across the state. We then sanitize, assemble and prepare packages for delivery to his long list of medical workers waiting for products. This is an incredible grassroots organization that highlights the benefits of small scale distributed and highly adaptable manufacturing.
This week we are expecting to ramp up production with a larger production team and a large delivery of parts coming in and hope to assemble and deliver 1000 shields. With my family of four this weekend, we produced 70 shields in 6 hours, so we hope that, with a full week of work, and more efficient designs, we can reach this ambitious goal of over 1000 for our first full week of production.
Help from The Brookline Library and the Brookline Community
Christiana Urbano of the ideaSpace at the Brookline Library has offered to help print parts on the library’s 3D printer resources, and we have had several other community members reach out to help using their own equipment as well. Anyone with a 3D printer can help with this effort, so if you have an idle printer and want to join the distributed manufacturing fleet, please email us to let us know. We can send you design files, print specifications, and drop-off details so you can get started printing right away.
To be continued ...
We will continue to search out the best way to contribute useful PPE using our own manufacturing capabilities. We have decided to produce the DesignThatMatters face shield, which was approved by the NIH. We are keeping our finger to the pulse of the MGBCCI 3D printed face shield working group to see if any more efficient and effective shield designs come out and if so, we will switch over to the new model.
And it’s not just local: Helping out globally
We are in discussion with a connection in Zimbabwe that is part of a community where most medical workers have no PPE whatsoever. We are hoping to find a shipping channel so we can get some of these items out to help this community in need. More to come on this story soon.
Don’t forget to keep smiling and stay safe.